
Selasa, 13 Januari 2009

Setelah menjajal beberapa panggung(Dejavu,Marotti,Viky sianipar,13) selama 2 tahun, GENETIC bakal vakum buat beberapa bulan, dikarenakan kendala Ujian Nasional. hehe. mudah"an abis UN dapet tawaran manggung ye, SUPPORT US GUYS! we won't go this further without your support! hmm next Blog gue mungkin bakal nyeritain panggung kita terakhir yang di 13, yang crowdnya emang bener" gila! fuckin awesome! oke, see ya around!

It's all about life,lovelife,music and friendship 20.57.

wah kok tanggalnya salah ya? waduh, next pos gue kasih tanggal benernya di akhir post deh. hehe keep watching! :D

It's all about life,lovelife,music and friendship 09.08.

When i open my eyes this day, about 5.00 AM o'clock, i heard A VERY BIG THUNDER,accompanied by heavy rain with cold temperature. I thought i was dreaming, yeah like in movies, i was thinking i'm in Transylvania,hearing big thunder and the sound when rain falls to the ground like that. Luckily i'm not hearing creepy sound,so im not dreaming, and NOT in Transylvania. When my eyes open WIDER, i can't see outside because it's so dark. I'm directly make my way to the bathroom, preparing for prayed. After i prayed, the thunder is getting bigger and louder, also the rain. But, i still decided to go to school,instead my mom forced me to do it. So there i go to the bathroom, rain keeps falling down. After i finished my bath, the rain stopped. i had thought in my heart "yeah, Im going to school!", with my happy face, i started up my motorcycle, put the gas on, and yeah im going to school! but like 'Pepatah" said " janji tinggal janji" ew, i changed it a little bit " semangat tinggal semangat", as i saw stucked traffic jam and floods spread near my home. i came closer to the flood, but the motorcycle can't make it through. with a LITTLE BIT DISAPPOINTED, i came down to my home, and i was just realized that MY BAG IS ON THE GARAGE,all i did is just "Keep Smile and Laugh" hmm maybe god give me a day - off right?

It's all about life,lovelife,music and friendship 08.43.
Senin, 12 Januari 2009

mau nulis something about cewe gue nih, tapi besok" aja deh hehe, lagi males nulis. :D masukin foto dulu deh hehe

It's all about life,lovelife,music and friendship 20.09.
Selasa, 06 Januari 2009

WAAW, its a long time that i havent write for my blog yet. Im just going to share my plan 1 year later from now. hemm, actually in mid january 2009 i'll step my foot on the land of Gemany. not for TOURISM of course, i don't have much money to do that tough. So what am i doing in that country? i will CHANGE my f*ckin-fake life.I will study hard ass there, to get what i want, an INCOME to change my family, lifestyle and WAY OF THINKING. And i'm sure Euro Management will help me a lot. Hope to get one the best university there.
Im not making this blog to show that" hey Im going to Germany, are you impressed?" it's just NOT LIKE THAT.
I just want to tell you all, the system of education in Indonesia isn't right. They who wants to continue their study in national university is has to be a RICH and SMART people. so if you have time and money and willing to be a "Different-Succesful" person, forget about getting place in national university paradigm ( UI, ITB, UGM etc) better you have a greater experience of living, studying and Job in other countries. But, don't forget about coming back to Indonesia, and help this country to be a MODERN COUNTRY.
hmm, it's more like a speech huh? just read it, it's true!
okay just see you around in my countdown of my departure. thanks for reading!

It's all about life,lovelife,music and friendship 21.37.


Sakti "sykes" Reysaputra.

▪ Hi-tech Handphone
▪ Study outside country
When words is everything
Alwin GeneticofHuman Facebook:Sakti Reysaputra
Check it out
Juli 2008 Januari 2009
Indahtyas's Blog.queens
photos: bexidaisy on DA
host: imageshack & imeem
inspiration & lyrics: TLG
title script source unknown.